
former existence Learn more about former existence

  • The difference between orchids and orchids

    The difference between orchids and orchids

    Orchids and hanging orchids are two different varieties, the stem of the former is horizontal, and the rhizome of the latter is relatively fat and short. The former mostly exists in China, while the latter comes from Africa and exists all over the world.

  • What kind of animal is tapir?

    What kind of animal is tapir?

    There are many legends about tapirs. According to legend, tapirs are animals that feed on dreams, also known as dream tapirs, so what kind of animals are tapirs? Is it really that amazing? What kind of animal is a tapir? Tapirs are the most primitive odd-hoofed species in existence.

    2020-11-11 Tapir what is it animal about tapir spread say very
  • Plant growth substances and orchids

    Plant growth substances and orchids

    Plant growth substances and orchids

  • These plants cannot grow together.

    These plants cannot grow together.

    The brain works with you to listen to the sound of the night! Concerned about planting two species together, there are often some interesting phenomena: some can live in peace, coexist and prosper together; some are like enemies, and eventually either one party suffers, or both...

  • Rescue Silence 03 "listen to the ethnic resonance of Qijin Peninsula, the secret base of naval shipyard dormitory

    Rescue Silence 03

    Rescue Silence 03 "listen to the ethnic resonance of Qijin Peninsula, the secret base of naval shipyard dormitory

  • Control of swine eubacillosis

    Control of swine eubacillosis

    Eubacterium suis (formerly known as Corynebacterium suis) is widely distributed in nature, most of which are non-pathogenic bacteria, only a few of which are pathogenic and can cause acute or chronic infectious diseases in humans and animals. It is generally characterized by purulent or caseous pathological changes in certain tissues and organs. Clinically, it mainly causes urinary tract infection in sows. Pathogenic and epidemic characteristics of eubacterium suis for a polymorphic large bacilli. From spherical to rod-shaped, one end or both ends of the longer thallus expanded into a rod, single in or into a grid or cluster arrangement. Gram stain positive, no flagella, pod

  • High temperature mushroom "summer mushroom 93"

    High temperature mushroom

    Through the research on key problems, our researchers successfully cultivated the high-temperature four-spore mushroom "Xia Mushroom 93" (formerly known as "Zhejiang AgH-1"), which is suitable for summer cultivation in 1993, which fills the gap of summer mushroom cultivation varieties in China. So that our country can grow mushrooms for more than two seasons a year. The emergence period of high-temperature mushrooms coincides with the off-season of all kinds of edible mushrooms, the supply of fresh mushrooms is out of stock, and the price is 3-5 times higher than that in peak season. It has been promoted in more than 20 provinces and cities, including Zhejiang, Sichuan, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Fujian, Guangdong, Hunan, * and so on.

  • Taichung Municipal Government: full support for the opening of Qingchuang Base in Central District of Taichung City

    Taichung Municipal Government: full support for the opening of Qingchuang Base in Central District of Taichung City

    In cooperation with the Executive Yuan's "Asia Silicon Valley" promotion plan, the Ministry of Economic Affairs provides innovation fields and cooperation opportunities, and strengthens the existing innovative settlement function. Taichung Fengjia University sets up a "Central District Youth Innovation Base", and Taichung Municipal Government integrates the youth innovation policy.

  • Dna detection of cherry hook salmon is endemic to Taiwan.

    Dna detection of cherry hook salmon is endemic to Taiwan.

    Taiwan Xueba Park announced the results of conservation research programs, in which Taiwan salmon, that is, Cherry Hook salmon, has made a major breakthrough in research. Based on DNA sequence mapping analysis, Cherry Hook snout salmon, which is identified for the first time as a native species endemic to Taiwan, is not evolved from land-sealed cherry salmon introduced from Japan or rainbow trout escaped from farms, but a truly endemic species of Taiwan. According to Taiwan's Dongsen News, Taiwan salmon, formerly known as Cherry Hook salmon, also known as Taiwan trout, Lishan trout and subalpine trout, is the only temperate fish in subtropical Taiwan.

  • Passion fruit market is becoming more and more popular. Growers have to be skilled in planting if they want to have a high yield.

    Passion fruit market is becoming more and more popular. Growers have to be skilled in planting if they want to have a high yield.

    Usually, fertilization for crops is basically done before planting and before flowering, because the former is to supplement a sufficient amount of base fertilizer for healthy seedlings, while the latter is to promote flowering and fruit setting. Passion fruit is different, this difference is also in the body.

  • If the price of early rice in the market is cancelled, it is possible for corn to fall back 10 years ago.

    If the price of early rice in the market is cancelled, it is possible for corn to fall back 10 years ago.

    If the price of early rice in the market is cancelled, it is possible for corn to fall back 10 years ago.

  • Tea enterprises in China need not emulate Lipton.

    Tea enterprises in China need not emulate Lipton.

    Why does China's tea industry always fall into the misunderstanding of comparison with Lipton? The reason is that Chinese tea enterprises have no brand to lead the world tea industry. However, the culture and customs of drinking tea in the East and the West are different, and there is no comparison between Chinese tea and Lipton. There are many reasons for this: first, Lipton left.

    2016-01-10 China tea enterprises no emulate "Lipton " why?
  • Front ridge and back ridge

    Front ridge and back ridge

    "Jiuling Mei Butterfly" is a local Luzhou-fragrant broad-leaved cold orchid descending from Yifeng. The outer three petals are very short and wide, the middle palace is strong, the outer petal is wide and soft, and the flowers are gorgeous and fragrant, which perfectly integrates the fragrance, shape and color of the orchid. The emergence of this flower demonstrates that cold orchids can also produce petal flowers, which is undoubtedly of great significance in the history of orchids. ...

  • Matters needing attention when eating fish head

    Matters needing attention when eating fish head

    Professor Wang Cunxin, a fish research expert at the Institute of Oceanography of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that there are four major fish farmers in China, namely, herring, grass carp, silver carp and bighead carp. Silver carp is also called silver carp or silver carp. there are more silver carp in bighead carp, but the fish heads we usually eat in restaurants are mainly silver carp and silver carp. The reason why these two kinds of fish are used for fish head dishes is that they grow rapidly and can be raised artificially; second, because herring and grass carp mainly eat grass, while silver carp and bighead carp mainly eat plankton, there is naturally more meat than the former two. Silver carp, especially the head of silver carp

  • What does agricultural catastrophe insurance cover? The necessity of constructing Agricultural Occupational disaster guarantee

    What does agricultural catastrophe insurance cover? The necessity of constructing Agricultural Occupational disaster guarantee

    Farmers themselves lack awareness of occupational safety, lack of occupational disaster insurance claims, fear that the crops will not be harvested in time, and continue to engage in farming with illness and pain. Compared with other industries, is the risk of agriculture high? Is there a legal source to ensure the occupational safety of farmers?

    2019-01-10 Agriculture catastrophe insurance which construction occupational disaster security
  • The Choice of the Development Mode of Leisure Agriculture Leisure Agriculture is facing good

    The Choice of the Development Mode of Leisure Agriculture Leisure Agriculture is facing good

    In recent years, leisure agriculture in China has developed rapidly and become a new economic growth point. The development of leisure agriculture is conducive to optimizing the rural industrial structure, opening up employment channels for farmers, promoting agricultural industrialization, and promoting the development and utilization of rural ecological and cultural resources.

    2016-03-20 Leisure agricultural development model choice agriculture facing good
  • How do rich bamboos bottle water to cultivate wealth?

    How do rich bamboos bottle water to cultivate wealth?

    How do rich bamboos bottle water to cultivate wealth?

  • When the land transfer fee is no longer "outside the supervision"

    When the land transfer fee is no longer

    The revenue and expenditure of national land transfer fees announced by the Ministry of Finance in 2014 showed that last year, the income from land transfer fees totaled 4.29 trillion yuan, an increase of 3.1 percent over the same period last year. The phenomenon of inadequate collection and management of land transfer income still exists, and there are underlevies and delays in some places.

    2016-03-20 Land transfer fee when no longer outside supervision
  • What kind of feed do pigs eat?

    What kind of feed do pigs eat?

    It is better for pigs to eat compound feed, which is a product that combines a variety of different feeds scientifically and evenly according to the nutritional needs of pigs. The formula feed used by pigs with different production purposes and different physiological states is different. Combined feeding

    2020-11-11 Pig eat what feed pig eat compound better yes
  • Cymbidium autumnicum

    Cymbidium autumnicum

    Lost species. Autumn plum shape of the best word in the narcissus, green flowers for the best, facial features correct, more compact than all kinds of round thick, is too Cangmu Shang Chen Qiutao out. Ding has spring to carry flowers on the grain, and Luo Xin Ge Yi big one grade leaves seven tubes, so there are such good seeds in the grain field. Unintended flower not beautiful and several times big disaster, the past Banqiao poem has a cloud: now after all endless already...
